30 may 2010

Descargar gratis Lins Riberiro y Escobar: ANTROPOLOGÍAS DEL MUNDO (World anthropologies)

Lins Ribeiro, Gustavo and Arturo Escobar (ed.) (2006) World Anthropologies. Disciplinary Transformations within Systems of Power. Oxford: Berg, Wenner-Gren Foundation. 341 pp.
Formato: PDF
Tamaño: 1.3 MB (comprimido en ZIP)
Idioma: Inglés
Part 1: Transnationalism and State Power
2 Reshaping Anthropology: A View from Japan, by Shinji

3 Transformations in Siberian Anthropology: An Insider’s Perspective, by Nikolai Vakhtin
4 In Search of Anthropology in China: A Discipline Caught in a Web of Nation Building, Socialist Capitalism, and Globalization, by Josephine Smart
5 Mexican Anthropology’s Ongoing Search for Identity, by Esteban Krotz

Part 2: Power and Hegemony in World Anthropologies
6 How Many Centers and Peripheries in Anthropology? A Critical View of France, by Eduardo P. Archetti
7 The Production of Knowledge and the Production of Hegemony: Anthropological Theory and Political Struggles in Spain, Susana Narotzky
8 Anthropology in a Postcolonial Africa: The Survival Debate Paul Nchoji Nkwi

Part 3: Epistemological, Sociological, and Disciplinary Predicaments
9 Generating Nontrivial Knowledge in Awkward Situations: Anthropology in the United Kingdom, Eeva Berglund
10 The Production of Other Knowledges and Its Tensions: From Andeanist Anthropology to Interculturalidad?, by Marisol de la Cadena
11 A Time and Place beyond and of the Center: Australian Anthropologies in the Process of Becoming, by Sandy Toussaint
12 Official Hegemony and Contesting Pluralisms, by Shiv Visvanathan

Part 4: From Anthropology Today to World Anthropologies
13 The Pictographics of Tristesse: An Anthropology of Nation Building in the Tropics and Its Aftermath, by Otávio Velho
14 “World Anthropologies”: Questions, by Johannes Fabian


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